
Smiling but the pain, it’s insane.
Breaking my brain trying to maintain.
Family crying on the phone because I ain’t at home.
I’m just a youngster, but I’m acting all grown.
Because I grew up in a rush, wish that I could slow it down.
But I can’t so I keep surviving in SCHOLLEVAAR TOWN.
Follow in the footsteps of past dealers and killers.
People getting in beef cuz they wanna show who the realist.
They want the money, the respect and the street fame.
Tryna make a name in this deep game.
End up in prison, or under the ground.
Or he be missing cuz the body has never been found.
If you got a chance to make it, then take it.
If you got a chance to break the circle, then break it.
Or you stay hard headed and make the same mistakes,
and at the end of the day see your homies turn into snakes.
Smile for me now.

Getekend door het leven is kunstproject voor en door jongeren met ervaring in de jeugdhulp. De jongeren vertellen hun verhaal aan de hand van hun lichaamstekening met beeld, tekst en geluid.

Getekend door het leven is kunstproject voor en door jongeren met ervaring in de jeugdhulp.